60 Minutes: Go Dig Your Grave
Samuel Rachlin, Danish journalism's anchor of classical virtues, cuts to pieces the scandalous biased programme on Denmark, aired by 60 Minutes anchor: Bob Simon.
"What we got was a presentation so biased, distorted and corrupted by so many inaccuracies and innuendos that it was impossible to recognize Denmark. I am sorry to say it, but it is shameful for the profession that both Bob Simon and I belong to."
Samuel Rachlin is sharp and to the point, - and he sums it up on behalf of all of us:
"We have this disrespectful streak which sometimes gets us into trouble. But quite frankly, we don’t give a damn and, like the little boy in the fairy tale, we will tell anyone that they are naked, if that’s what they are. We don’t care if it is an emperor, an editor - or a correspondent."
MUST READ, at Punditokraterne. Tip: AGORA
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