Categorical demands and threats on conference in Copenhagen

Mr. Tareq al-Suweidan, Islamic scholar, Kuwait today spoke at the conference for Religious and Cultural Dialogue in Copenhagen to day. Mr. al-Suweidan used his part of the dialogue to demand an formal and unconditional excuse from the Danish government, to demand that the Danish people get rit of their government, and continued with demanding that free speech and the freedom of press not only in Denmark, but throughout Europe and the rest of the world be restricted in order to ban any criticism or defamation of Islam, according to Danmarks Radio's news.
After all, maybe our foreign minister, Per Stig Møller, who initiated the conference is more shrewd than I first thought.
Ok, I give up - the suspense is killing me.
What's so "shrewd" about Per Stig Møller?
Well, maybe he sort of knew that the hardliners were going to behave like this.
So if they did, no problem, just a wake up call for Holger Danske, if they didn't, surprise, surprise.
After all, the guy holds the highest laureate degree, has written several books on the most delicate topics in Danish and European history; in fact, it's told, that the rest of the parlament together more or less equals his IQ!
He may be good at studying old, mouldy books, but when it comes to political double-dealers, it's quite another ballgame.
Have you ever read Anette Engell's book "Utro, håb og kærlighed"? It gives a vivid description of what happens when a trusting person, Per Stig Møller, stands in the way of a political animal like Hans Engell.
I think I see a parallel in Stig Møller's experiences with the Egyptian foreign minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit.
Let me translate a short quote from this article".
"but this was of course not the story, which Ahmed Aboul Gheit told Per Stig Møller during the 15 meetings and contacts, there was in the mean time"
While he in October in the deepest secrecy prepares a boycott of Danish goods in the Midle East, he emphasises - either personally or through his staff - that the Danish-Egyptian relations still are fine"
It's also strange how Ahmed Aboul Gheit claims that he has phoned Stig Møller several times, while Stig Møller flatly denies having received any calls from Mr. Gheit.
Per Stig Møller's "highest laureate degree" leaves him totally unprepared to deal with this kind of people.
You're absolutely right. And I have a suggestion to make to you, but first:
If you look at the topleft corner of PIA CAUSA, you'll find the "Read Again .."
Now, check the "What's in the Islamic Pipeline" and "The Masterplan" - and check the dates I posted them.
It's all shrewdly planned, and we must provide the media with a detailed and well documented chronology of the whole case.
Would that be a job for you - to do a detailed documentation?
I'll of course post it (your name) and do my best to make it known / linked as wide as possible.
> "and check the dates I posted them."
February 15, 2006 - you were late. :-) Check these dates:
2006.02.10 Danish Islamic Society
2006.02.08 Who are behind the riots?
2006.02.05 Who are behind the riots?
> " It's all shrewdly planned, and we must provide the media with a detailed and well documented chronology of the whole case."
> " Would that be a job for you - to do a detailed documentation?"
There are many chronologies already. Every newspaper has made its own. Let me recommend Wikipedia's: timeline and Muhammad cartoons controversy.
You could write about this stuff forever. Wikipedia has published several gigantic files - about the story behind Wikipedia's own articles. These meta-discussions can be downloaded from this unlikely URL:
I'll send you an e-mail instead.
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