Prince Charles not to meet expelled blogger Kareem
"Kareem was a law student in Al Azahr University, the largest Sunni institution in the Muslim world. The university referred him to a disciplinary council that decided on expelling him from the university because of his writings on Islam on his blog and for his progressive views.
Do take time to visit the Free Copts blog where Kareem writes on his plans and thinking. Brave fellow indeed, - help him if possible.
Freedom for Egyptians continues: "Muslim clerics (Sheikhs) has the power to lobby the society against him that may lead to some people taking legal actions against him to jail him. (...) And Karim is not a Danish journalist in Denmark. He is a Muslim Egyptian living in Egypt not Denmark."
Click headline to go to Daily Star Egypt reporting on the Prince's touring
Of course Chucky can claim a busy travel schedule, but something else might be the resaon.
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