So, what’s happening in the tiny kingdom of Denmark these days?

Report from a sleepy kingdom
by Poul Højlund, March 30, 2006
The picture is shot in one of the old Viking camps, - from this very interesting French site.
Maybe we should all become a little more vikingish again!
Some 27 Muslim organisations sue Editor-in-Chief Carsten Juste and Editor Flemming Rose, both JyllandsPosten as you might well know at the moment, for the sum of DKK 100.000, app. USD 15.000. Modest indeed, one might add.The claim is that the two editors through the cartoons have exposed the prophet Muhammad as belligerent and criminal, and that the cartoons make a clear parallel between the prophet and terror.
Furthermore the organisations claim that an article in the paper accuses Islam and the Muslim population to engage in and be an exponent of war and terror.
Well, finally they got the point!
The imam-gang are back in the safe heaven of the little kingdom, and of course interviewed on their latest lies. While they entertain the good people of the kingdom, the Danish police awaits the French police to respond to their request of an interview with the French journalist with the hidden camera who so grimly exposed the imam-gang.
The French journalist several times offered his direct assistance through the papers, but apparently Danish police prefer things to work with red tape, and perhaps the French police is otherwise engaged presently as France goes down the drain.
We’ll have to wait and see whether the police finally arrives at some conclusion at maybe even press charges for issuing death threats.
Meanwhile a young unemployed and consequently state supported leftist received a sentence of 60 days behind bars, but the verdict was immediately made conditional, so the young man was free to leave court. What he had done, the poor fellow? Absolutely nothing, except threatening the Prime Minister with sudden death in an e-mail directly to Mr. Fogh Rasmussen.
It was a joke made because he was bored he said in court - of doing nothing, one may presume - as Akkari said he was onloy joking when he threatened to bomb MP Naser Khader.
Jokes come in funny ways, these days.
And apart from this it seems that the good people of the kingdom - at least according to the ladies and gentlemen of the press - have gone bananas on picking up dead ducks trying to prevent the bird flue to infect us all. So far with some luck as I’m still able to report this
And that’s about it; Holger Danske still sleeping at Kronborg; all is talk and little is for real.
It is a fairy tale country and we would like to keep it that way.
I love to read they take JP to court because they "have exposed the prophet Muhammad as belligerent and criminal"
Having had an unconcerned attitude towards Islam a few months ago, I started to read after the cartoon row, reading about Islam, as well as the scriptures themselves.
I wonder, just by reading the Quran, how Mohammed can NOT be seen as "belligerent and criminal".
It will indeed be most interesting as the court must rule against the plaintiffs!
I mean: no court could meet the plaintiffs on their reasoning since - as you say - Muhammad was exactly all that they complain on, according to the Quaran.
I'll be looking forward, singing out loudly: Oh happy day!
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