UN Special Rapporteur Doudou Diene Calls Danes Racists, Xenophobes
Mr. Diéne during the past years focused his campaign on countries like Japan, Canada, Switzerland and now Denmark, accusing all of them for racism and xenophobia. In all the countries he was able to find - like in Switzerland «.. une situation de racisme, de xénophobie et de discrimination » having visited the countries for five to nine days.
Mr. Diéne did not take the time to visit Denmark but was able to spot racism and xenophobia from his desk in Geneva.
On various occasions and in a special report on racism, he also managed to forget the anti-Semitism presented on a daily basis towards Israel to a point where he did not support it's right to exist as an independent nation.
That lead the Simon Wiesenthal Centre (SWC) in 2003 to deny UN support for some arrangements and to claim the withdrawal Mr. Diéne's report on racism in the aftermath of 9/11. In a letter dated January 6, 2005, to High Commissioner Louise Arbour, SWC repeated their arguments. I haven't been able to track the answer from the High Commissioner, if any.
Nice fellow indeed. Apparently blinded by his mission, his background and his own agenda. Supported by the corrupted UN system, he no doubt remains in office, continuing to issue his reports on countries with less than small problems while completely overlooking the real problems of discrimination in Muslim countries .
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