About al-Asadi
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Read Again ...
Democracy before Religion
The Strategy of Our War
I've Had It!
Join Humanity Instead
Lessons Learned
Cultural Clash
Master Plan
The Islamic Pipeline

Know more ..?
Yemen Observer
Asharq Alawsat
Islam Online
Arab News
Reporters Without Borders
Iran News
Security Watchower
List of Islamic terror attacks
The Counterterrorism Blog

Blogs outstanding ..
al Bab: Arab Blogs
Wolfgang Bruno
Brussels Journal
Freedom for Egyptians
Michelle Malkin
Dhimmi Watch
Or Does It Explode ...

Global Voices Online - The world is talking. Are you listening?

Saturday, February 25, 2006

For our friends in the US: Thank You!

The (small) coat of arms of the Kingdom of Denmark - Hearts and Lions! Easy to copy and put on your own blog, go ahead.

Freedomzone has the story, the pictures and some reflections on the manifestation of sammenhold.


Copenhagen Skyline - I have to admit that I've downloaded without knowing who's copyright I've violated. Sorry, but the photo is simply so beautiful.

I'll be gone for the weekend - for a handbrewer's competition!

Update: I won with a Russian Imperial Stout 8.3 %, - not only the style class, but the overall price of Best Beer. Proud and humble.

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Friday, February 24, 2006

Why Jihad Watch?

Ever read the colophon on Jihad Watch home page?

Why Jihad Watch?
Because the West is facing a concerted effort by Islamic jihadists, the motives and goals of whom are largely ignored by the Western media, to destroy the West and bring it forcibly into the Islamic world -- and to commit violence to that end even while their overall goal remains out of reach. That effort goes under the general rubric of jihad.
Jihad (in Arabic, "struggle") is a central duty of every Muslim. Modern Muslim theologians have spoken of many things as jihads:the struggle within the soul, defending the faith from critics, supporting its growth and defense financially, even migrating to non-Muslim lands for the purpose of spreading Islam. But violent jihad is a constant of Islamic history.

Many passages of the Qur'an and sayings of the Prophet Muhammad are used by jihad warriors today to justify their actions and gain new recruits. No major Muslim group has ever repudiated the doctrines of armed jihad. The theology of jihad, which denies unbelievers equality of human rights and dignity, is available today for anyone with the will and means to bring it to life.Jihad Watch is dedicated to bringing public attention to the role that jihad theology and ideology plays in the modern world, and to correcting popular misconceptions about the role of jihad and religion in modern-day conflicts. We hope to alert people of good will to the true nature of the present globalconflict.
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Muslim Youths to Pay "Know-Prophet" Visit to Denmark

"I was greatly encouraged to launch this initiative after 93 per cent of some 80,000 Muslim youths polled opted for a dialogue with the Danish people," said Khaled, according to Sobhy Mujahid, Khaled El-Sioufi from Islamic World Online.

Nice to know that a majority of the youth feels that way. Maybe we're not going to be beheaded after all .. this time. But then I get these spasms from my hypocrisy allergy:

Why not have a conference in Teheran or Cairo to spread the happy message of our beloved democracy (peace be with it), our wonderfull equality between men and women (love be with it), our glorious religious freedom (God be with it) and our free speech (eternity be with it)? I'm sure we could muster 'a host of (..) youths (..) to engage in a constructive dialogue'.

By the way: Khaled was invited by the Danish foreign secretary only yesterday. Are we into something tactical here, or is the purpose simply to spread the happy message of the beloved Prophet himself? Cannot help wondering ...
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Danes paying Danegeld or ..?

From http://www.aawsat.com/english/news.asp?section=1&id=3892

Denmark to host conference on religious dialogue to calm cartoon crisis
23/02/2006 COPENHAGEN, Denmark (AP) -
Denmark will host a conference next month to promote religious dialogue
following the uproar over the Prophet Mohammad cartoons, the Foreign Ministry announced Thursday. The government will also give "a significant financial contribution" to a U.N. program aimed at overcoming prejudice between Islam and the West, and support an Islamic festival in Copenhagen, Foreign Minister Per Stig Moeller said in a statement.
The conference on religious and cultural dialogue will take place in the Danish capital on March 10, ministry officials said.
"This conference will bring together the prominent Islamic preacher Amr Khaled, two Islamic scholars from the Arab world and three Danish experts," Moeller said. He said the government was planning a range of initiatives to promote "respectful dialogue," partly drawing on advice given by Muslim countries.
"In Denmark there is a genuine respect for the religious feelings of other people and we acknowledge that many Muslims felt gravely insulted by these controversial drawings," the foreign minister said.
Ministry officials said they would contact Arab and international media to spread the minister's message, and posted a link of his videotaped statement on the ministry's Web page.

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Denmark Again: What Next?

"I completely recognize the level of insult caused by the cartoons; nevertheless, I have a number of questions. One important question is: what is the point of the Muslim rage campaign, and if the aim is achieved, will the protests end? Any protest should have a demand or else it is an aimless conflict. Have there been clear and applicable demands made?"

Mshari Al-Zaydi,a Saudi journalist and expert on Islamic movements and Islamic fundamentalism as well as Saudi affairs, has a balanced commnent in Asharq Alawsat. Click headline to continue ..
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Thursday, February 23, 2006

US law professor threatens Denmark to become a new Rwanda

US Law professor Bernard K. Freamon of Seton Hall University Law School wants prosecution of Danish editor based on Shari'ah, he writes in JURIST on February 19, 2006:

"It is my duty as a Muslim African-American law professor ..."

reads the opening of his comment.

"The Shari'ah demands that we must condemn any statement that vilifies
someone's religion, where the statement is made for no other purpose other than
to vilify, ridicule, or foment hatred.

Muslims are therefore very right to vigorously condemn the publication of
the cartoons and to seek to punish the editors through the criminal law

He then goes on as an expert in the criminal code of Denmark, overruling the official Danish prosecutor and interfering in an ongoing legal process:

"In September, Danish prosecutors, acting on a complaint by Danish Muslim clerics, nonetheless refused to authorize a criminal prosecution of the newspaper editor under section 266b. In my view, this was a patent abuse of their discretion and a blatantly political decision. They ought to revisit it. The issue should be decided by a Danish court."

The professor finally issues the worst threat ever on Denmark: to make Denmark into a new Rwanda.

"Danish prosecutors certainly must know Denmark is becoming a hotbed of skinheadism and anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant violence. Do they want their newspapers to fan these flames?

They should not wait until they have a situation like that in Rwanda before they act."

Is there any other way of reading those few words than: We'll genocide the Danes if they don't comply?

So is this the shari'ah retaliation level for printing a few cartoons?

Thanks to Jihadwatch and Mac for bringing this into the open

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US Ambassador support for Danish prime

From JyllandsPosten / ritzau
US Ambassador to Denmark, Mr. James Palmer Cain, says today that the denial of the meeting with the 11 Islamic ambassadors was of no importance, and that the prime's no to the meeting had no consequence for the crisis.

The political opposition in the Danish parliament presently are trying to gain some momentum following catastrophic polls for some of the parties. It's never too late to attack your prime, even not when you promised in public to support him during these weeks. The Danish daily Politiken is the launching ramp for the attacks, - same tactics as used in 60 Minutes Monday.
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Go elsewhere for sharia law: Costello states

From: AAP, February 23, 2006

ANYONE who believes Islamic sharia law can co-exist with Australian law should move to a country where they feel more comfortable, Treasurer Peter Costello said today.

Finally a politician with some guts and a to-the-point-message. Follow headline to read the full story, and don't forget some day to read Dhimmi Watch

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Michelle Malkin cyberattacked

Michelle Malkin was on Fox news presenting the hidden cartoons. Michelle explains:

After receiving several threats and experiencing one denial of service
attack upon appearing on Fox News Channel to display the Mohammed Cartoons, my site went down again this morning at approx. 9am EST and remains down

So the brave jihadists hit again. Hope Michelle will be online soon again. Click the headline to read her story.
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A Failure of the Press

By William J. Bennett and Alan M. Dershowitz
Thursday, February 23, 2006; Page A19

..... "We two come from different political and philosophical perspectives, but on this we agree: Over the past few weeks, the press has betrayed not only its duties but its responsibilities. ."

Must Read. Finally the BIG debate starts rolling. Click the headline.
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Freedom for Egyptians

Freedom for Egyptians has an excellent summary of the cartoon war so far.
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Islamic education OK in Californian classrooms

Old news, maybe, but new to this blogger:

Judge rules Islamic education OK in Californian classrooms
Dismisses suit opposing requirement students recite Quran, pray to Allah

Posted: December 13, 20031:00 a.m. Eastern, © 2003 WorldNetDaily.com

Requiring seventh-grade students to pretend they're Muslims, wear Islamic garb, memorize verses from the Quran, pray to Allah and even to play "jihad games" in California public schools has been legally upheld by a federal judge, who has dismissed a highly publicized lawsuit brought by several Christian students and their parents.

Read more? Click the headline!

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Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Make up your mind, Isam

People here just don't respect religion, and want to treat Muslims the same way they treat Christians but believe me they have learnt a lot in this case and the good thing about this is that people will go out and buy the Seerah (Biography) of the Prophet (PBUH) and will learn some things about the Prophet. Just like after 9/11, you had a lot of people converting to Islam because people were disrespecting the Quran so they went and read it themselves. Here in Denmark, a lot of people are converting to Islam that's the positive effect.

Being a Muslim in Denmark in the last decade has not been fun. There's been a lot of disrespectful arguments and attitudes towards Islam so really when I saw the drawings I thought, "Oh, it's just another day in Denmark!"

Isam from Outlandish interviewed by Asharq Al-Awsat. One cannot help wondering if Isam has found his right spot on this planet. But then on the other hand, - just a few lines down the interview, Denmark is suddenly okay:
Asharq Al-Awsat: What was it like growing up in Denmark?
Isam: It was okay. There aren't many Moroccans in Denmark, I think we (total) about 15,000. It was very easy, lifestyle over here is okay, you've got everything you need, and the people are nice.

Well, that was a decade ago, - Isam a teenager. So what changed?

A huge and in the very sense of the word popular debate on Islam and disintegration started in Denmark - as it did in Holland, France, Germany and all other European countries. Minus Sweeden where they close the internet sites instead.

But Europeans generally are fed up with - no, not muslims, actually we like you a lot, - but with a hardcore religious and radical Islam that suddenly turned up out of the blue nowhere in the middle of our streets.

I guess, people simply and sometimes in a simple manner said: enough is enough. Democracy and human rights rule, - not religion.

Anyone is free to practise whatever religion in this country - within the framework guarantied to all of us by our democratic and non-religious rule.

I don't know what victimises Muslims. To the best of my knowledge: We don't.

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Update: Unctuous stuff here: Khaled's message

"We need our Muslim youths to go to the conference in Denmark as ambassadors. This conference must be witnessed by the whole world, and must address several issues.

The first would be informing everyone about our Prophet (SAWS). The slogan of the conference would be "This is our Prophet… This is our religion", and it would be the first issue to be addressed.

The second issue to be addressed should discuss the means and ways of acquaintance and coexistence among nations.

The third issue should discuss the definition of "freedom of speech" as understood by people."

This is from a site in Arabic - parts of it translated - with Amr Khaled, trying to solve the 'issues with Denmark'. Some naive youngsters in Holland find that this is the way to peace and understanding, read here.

If you're into reading through tons of unctuous religious babbling, Khaled's site is the place to go. To me it clearly illustrates the enormous distance between Islam and the modern world.

And by the way, Khaled: Don't bother to send anyone here to explain about your most beloved prophet. We are quite well educated and we do read our - so far - free press.

UPDATE: I've just realised that Danish foreign minister Per Stiig Møller actually invited Khaled to do the conference in Copenhagen this summer. That must be the result of a tactical evaluation, I mean: why else invite this Islam fundamentalist to preach here and to spread the wonderful news of the wonderful prophet.

And what about the friendly invasion of Muslim youth to Denmark? Who asked the Danes? When will we be invited to Mecca to do the same thing?
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Inside Iran: Losing my sense of humor…

“Why can’t we be a normal country?”
“What’s normal?”
“You know, modern.
A place where people are not scared.”
I have said this before, and I’ll say it again: the biggest lesson I have learned in Iran is that free speech is more important than democracy.
Read more from this inside from the proud Islamic republic, click the headline!
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Inside Libya: firsthand report

Rioters targeted the Libyan regime as much as the Italian embassy, says the report from Or-Does-It-Explode.
It seems that radical Islam joined forces with the Qaddafi-opposition declaring Qaddafi the Pharaoh of Libya. Unwanted, one may presume. Read on, click the headline.
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Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Stand up for Denmark!

Why are we not defending our ally?
By Christopher Hitchens
Posted Tuesday, Feb. 21, 2006, at 12:29 PM ET

Christopher Hitchens calls for support demonstrations in front of all Danish diplomatic representations. Read him and join him ..
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Nigerian Muslims slaughter Christians

Another act in the name of the religion of Peace. Must read.
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Cartoons Network in Washington Times

Brave Diana West is fighting from the very first trench.

Read her, click the headline.
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King Abdullah far out

The Council of Ministers, chaired by Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah, reviewed the statements issued by Danish authorities voicing their apology and deep sorrow over the publication of sacrilegious cartoons.

Sorry, mate: Denmark did not issue such a statement. We said sorry for hurt feelings, that's all and that's it.

Read the whole thing in Arab News
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Marble Muhammed at US Supreme Court

Danes are not the only ones to depict the prophet. Since early 1930's he has been an unremoveable part of the US Supreme Court, carved in marble as part of Great Law Makers.

And of course American muslims tried to get rid of the marble. Michelle Malkin has the story here. Muslim Women Lawyers took up the holy battle as well, though more balanced here.

Madness unlimited and hyprocrisy sans frontieres!
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Another Swedish Site Shutdown

On Monday Swedish Internet provider Spray shutdown the website of feminist publisher Alida for publishing those sinister Mohammad pictures.
Michael Moynihan has the story, click the headline to
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Monday, February 20, 2006

Islamic republic Iran hangs children

By Poul Højlund, February 20, 2006

The cartoon protesters with all their hurt religious feeling are the worst bunch of hypocrites on this planet. The are offended by some harmless cartoons in a remote Danish paper while they stay silent as the true Islamic republic behaves worse than did the Nazis – all in the name of the prophet.

The more Islamic a country gets, the more death, terror and inhumanity to its people, it seems. Iran, the only true Islamic republic, hangs children on the double for acts strictly protected by the UN human rights charter.

The examples are numerous: 17 year old girl sentenced to death by hanging for defending her self and a niece against rape; 17 year old boy hung together with his 18 year old friend for being gays, three 18-years old boys hung for unspecified charges on insulting the state order, etc.

The list is never ending and it grows every day. Check the documentation here.

At the same time the true Islamic republic recruits suicide bombers to defend the Honour of The Prophet. Take a look here.

The Islamistic states of Iran and Saudi Arabia and others STONE their people here, they CUT heads and limbs of here, they HANG them here - all done in the name of their so beloved and honourable prophet and in accordance with Allahs eternal laws of Sharia.

Until Muslims worldwide start fighting the Iran hangings, the Saudi slaughters, the islamic terrorists of Gaza, the bin Laden supporters and bin Laden himself in the name of their beloved prophet, - until then I shall not for one second call them anything but a bunch of religious hypocrites.

Muslims worldwide must split up in democrats - and the rest. The democrats among you must start to speak out against your own, instead of supporting them against us.

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Sunday, February 19, 2006

Why I Published Those Cartoons

"But if a believer demands that I, as a nonbeliever, observe his taboos in the public domain, he is not asking for my respect, but for my submission. And that is incompatible with a secular democracy."

A must read: Editor Flemming Rose on why he printed the cartoons. Click the headline to
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The Rising Dawn ..

JyllandsPosten, wellknown Danish paper to say the least, also the largest daily and weekly paper in Denmark, has a fine story on the paper itself: history, ownership, independance, and a lot more.

By the way: I didn't know that the yellow star in the papers logo was the symbol for a stylised representation of a sculpture symbolising Aurora, the Roman goddess of dawn.
Actually a very fine logo these days: the rising dawn

Click the headline to follow the link, it's in English and more languages.
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Bill Clinton Urges Convicting Cartoon Publishers

Clinton supports those who imprisoned Yemeni editor Mohammed al-Asadi below. Clinton is a disgrace to the office he once held.

Have a cigar, man ..!

Gateway Pundit: Bill Clinton Urges Convicting Muhammad Cartoon Publishers
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‘Of Course I’m Afraid’

Must read, Newsweek interview with jailed editor
In an interview from his jail cell, a Yemeni editor imprisoned over the Prophet Muhammad cartoons discusses press freedom, religion and calls for his execution.

Click the headline to continue
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3. Update: Falsified add in Arab paper

The adds are presumebly inserted by private companies, quoting in Arab the text that for weeks has been available at JyllandsPosten website. Yahoo has the full story rigth here.

Apparently Saudi Arab papers (Asharq al-Awsat,local papers al-Riyadh and al-Jazira)
today published a false add with an excuse from JyllandsPosten, the cartoon paper from Denmark.

Editor in chief, Carsten Juste, says, - “JyllandsPosten has not inserted any add in any Arab paper”.

The paper is now investigating to disclose who is behind the false add.

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