Not everyone who leaves Islam is automatically killed, says scholar
Q: “Dear scholars, As-Salamu `alaykum. Non-Muslims often comment about Islam saying that most Muslims are Muslims because of the death penalty for apostasy. Many claim that there is inherent hypocrisy as converts from other religions are eagerly awaited for, while if a Muslim decides not to follow Islam he is put to death. Please clarify.”
A:“ … Moreover, it is incorrect to say that everyone who leaves Islam is automatically killed. Thus, if an apostate causes no harm to the Muslim community and does not call for spreading hostility towards Islam, he is not to be punished, rather he is to be advised kindly and wisely to let him know the true image of Islam. … ”
The site also refers to a similar question on hypocrisy and quotes Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi - one of the main instigators of the boycor against Denamrk - for this:
A: “Hypocrisy is more dangerous than open disbelief. This fact will be clearly discerned when one reflects back to the great danger which the leader of Madinah’s hypocrites, `Abdullah ibn Ubayy, posed to Islam. The Madinah’s hypocrites were more threatening to Islam than Abu Jahl and the pagans of Makkah. It is for this that the Qur’an specified only two verses for dispraising the disbelievers at the beginning of surat al-Baqarah, while hypocrites were given a share of thirteen verses in the same surat. “ Continue .. In Español | Deutsche | Français | Italiano | Português